Friday, October 21, 2022

Bone Bridge Surgery

 Today Lauren had surgery with her Otolayrnologist, Dr. Grugel, to be fitted with a bone conductive hearing device.  This has been an option we have discussed for a long time and finally felt that this would very much help her going forward.  Her hearing on her left side has slowly diminished primarily due to the atresia surgery she had in 2009.   She decided in addition to getting the ear Medpor framework replaced, she also wanted to get a hearing devices.  We looked at all the different options and types of bone conduction hearing devices and we settled on th Osia Bone Bridge.  With this type she will have a metal plate placed under her scalp and embedded in her skull.  Once healed, she will have a processor she can attach to the plate with a magnate.  This processor will take the surrounding sound and increase her conductive hearing through the implant.  The sound waves will reach her middle ear bones through conduction and it will improve her hearing on her affected side.  We have worked a lot with an audiologist locally and tried on many different devices and this one seemed to be the best option for her.   The surgery went very well and she is recovering well.  

Update:  She has been using the Bone Bridge for over a year now and it has really aided her hearing.  It took some time to get used to but she has adjusted well.  Wearing the device does make her scalp sore at times and it irritated her skin the first few months using it.  It was also a bit overwhelming for her at first because she was now hearing in stereo.  Loud environments were a bit much so she would take it off in those settings.   Overall we feel this has been a great decision and allows her the flexibility to use the device when needed.

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