Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 3: The Day After

Lauren slept well through the night. We did give her some medication for the pain, but she hasn't needed any today. We have mostly rested today. We took her down to the pool to get her walking around a bit. We also ended up taking in a movie since she was wanting to go out and do something. She seems to get tired quickly so we came back to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow we will visit the doctor to have the drains removed.


Heather said...

It is good to hear the fantastic post-surgery news. It sounds like she is doing well and will make a fast recovery.

Our Family said...

I am glad to hear everything is going well at this point. Good luck with the doctor's appointment today.

Shannon said...

So glad that the surgery went well. I love the picture by the pool. What a cutie. Thanks for the updates- you are in our prayers.